HTML based help and Java resources

For information on winhelp, see WorkWrite's homepage

Last update:
Help University, Inc. added (2 Jul. '99)
Webmonkey & Microsoft sitebuilder added (29 Mar. '99)

The original list was created and published by Ruth T. Glaser by means of the TECHWR-L mailing list.

It is further edited by Peter Ring, PRC , and first time published here on 29 May 1997 with permission from Ruth T. Glaser.

Java and JavaScript ressources plus CCS (Cascating Style Sheets) tutorials :

CCS (Cascating Style Sheets) properties .

Help University, Inc. is a group of training, consulting, and management professionals dedicated to furthering the interests and growth of the community of WinHelp and HTML-based Help developers while serving the individual needs of their clients. They run a website on with a comment service, where you can submit suggestions, etc. to e.g. Microsoft for improvements. The comments can be viewed at (this year) and (complete list).

Javascript tutorials, see .

A lot of javascript source files, see .

The Java Management API Online Help Developers Guide:
"The JMAPI Help System is a Java- and HTML-based help system that provides global and context-sensitive help for applications built from the Java Management API classes. The JMAPI Help System consists of a dedicated browser for viewing help pages and an authoring environment for creating the help pages."

jHelp homepage:
"jHelp is essentially a parser and formatter that displays help files coded in HTML2. It can be displayed as a pop- up frame, or embedded as a panel within a container object. It is very easy to use."

Microsoft's HTML, JavaScript, etc. page for assisting HTML designers incl. Q&A service:

Microsoft's introduction to HTML Help:
"Microsoft HTML Help is designed for displaying online documentation. Its audience is authors who create online Help for a software program, or who are creating a multimedia title or a site on the World Wide Web."

Microsoft's HTMLhelp and the free(!) MS HTML Help Workshop 1.2 downloadable from Microsoft's website ( ). MS HTML Help Workshop 1.2 can e.g. make a single HTML-help file out of

Netscape's introduction to NetHelp:
Netscape's HTML-based help solution. "NetHelp is an open standards-based platform for creating and viewing HTML-based online help. Using Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later, NetHelp provides a context-sensitive online help solution for any web-based application or native Macintosh, Unix, or Windows program."

Ben Weisner & Associate's Help Author's Resource Kit (TM):
Contains information about HTML-based help. Volume 2 is coming soon. Also lists and describes resources. The WorkWrite site, including an interview on HTML Help with Microsoft's Ralph Walden. This site contains many, many links to other resources.

Java resources:
Many links to find more information about Java in general. I would love to continue the conversation about documenting platform and browser independent java systems.

WorkWrite's homepage:
includes a lot of information on HTML helpfiles and WinHelp: References, lists of programmes, interviews on the subject, etc.

If you have more relevant links to this list, please write PRC .

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